Pomegranate Juice Helps To Reduce Belly Fat
Pomegranate juice can help to prevent cancer and good benefits for heart health. Moreover, it can also help reduce fat in belly.
The researchers said that, "this kind of fruit is more effective to reduce fat in the belly area. Meanwhile, researchers also do research on a group of volunteers drinking one bottle of pomegranate juice everydays.
The results showed that volunteers' cells at around belly fat is in very low rate. Moreover, they were found that they consist low rate of blood pressure that can reduce the risk of Epileptic attack, Kidney disease and chomngustres.
The researchers believe that pomegranates may reduce the amount of acid fats in the blood which is known as NEFA. Research from the previous testing on humans and animals shown that levels of acid NEFA make a concentration fat around the belly as well as increase the risk of the heart and type 2 diabetes.
In tests of 24 men and women are drinking Pomegranate Juice every day with a capacity of 500 ml. Researchers found that almost half amount of VOLUNTEERS consisting a low level of acidity in advance at the end of the test.
Furthermore, The researchers say that this intake rubies make their minimum rate in the belly fat as well as possible Blood pressure They also dropped.